Comprehensive Cyber Resilience Strategy

Beyond Protection: Scalence's Comprehensive Cyber Resilience Strategy for Healthcare

A top healthcare provider, frequently targeted by ransomware attacks, was in dire need of a robust data protection and recovery solution. The stakes were high: avoiding business downtime, preventing the breach of sensitive customer data, and sidestepping financial penalties. Additionally, maintaining compliance with stringent regulations such as HIPAA, PII, PCI, and ITAR was paramount. The complexity and sensitivity of the healthcare provider’s requirements underscored the need for a sophisticated and reliable cybersecurity solution. 


In response to this critical challenge, Scalence’s Business Resiliency practice was engaged to design and implement a secure data storage and recovery solution. The solution was aimed at automated backup and recovery of critical applications and data, encapsulating a holistic approach to cybersecurity. Scalence assumed full responsibility for the 24×7 steady state monitoring and management of operations, leveraging a U.S.-based, fully managed Network Operations Center platform equipped with a live “eyes-on-glass” steady state team. The comprehensive solution included: 

  • Real-time alerting and incident response. 
  • Disaster recovery run-book creation and DR testing. 
  • Systems administration and L2-L3 technical support. 
  • Data backup and logical data separation within the vault. 
  • Monitoring of servers, storage, service orchestration, top of rack switches, out-of-band (OOB) infrastructure, paired data domains, applications, firewalls, and network. 
  • Ongoing compliance assessments. 
  • Implementation and support of automated recovery functions. 
  • A service catalogue featuring a Platinum Tiered Support Model for differentiated levels of service. 


The deployment of Scalence’s cybersecurity solution delivered significant outcomes for the healthcare provider: 

  • Hardened Security Posture and Resilient Backup & Recovery Services: A significant enhancement in the client’s defense against cyber threats. 
  • Maintained Security & Regulatory Compliance: Full compliance with ITAR, HIPAA, PII, and PCI was achieved, ensuring the client’s operations remained within legal and regulatory parameters. 
  • Service Catalogue Promoting Better Cost Management, Cost Predictability, and Control: The introduction of a Platinum Tiered Support Model allowed for improved cost management and predictability, which, coupled with the reduction in downtime, resulted in an increase in productivity and a decrease in downtime. 
  • Gained “Peace of Mind” with “Always-On” Reliable Services under SLA: The reliability of services under strict SLAs offered the client a significant advantage in operational continuity, potentially avoiding cost impacts associated with downtime. 
  • 360-Degree View into Operational Integrity and Performance: The client gained comprehensive insights into their operational status, enhancing decision-making capabilities. 
  • Proactive Ability to Monitor Potential Threats in Real-Time with an Intuitive Dashboard: This enabled the client to swiftly identify and respond to potential cybersecurity threats, further securing their data and systems. 

Scalence’s Considerations around the adoption of Managed Services and Technology Solutions: 

  • ROI and Efficiency  
  • Legal Compliance Obligations 
  • Standardizing services aligned with business needs 
  • Proactive Threat Monitoring 
  • Implementing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems for cost reduction 
  • Addressing staff challenges