Managed Services

how can we help you?

Reach us to discuss your partnership and business needs.

Our Model:

  • Scalence’s governance model provides oversight and support for each client engagement. 
  • Rigorous management and oversight contributes to consistent service level improvements year over year. 
  • Communication bridges & cadence across tiers provide a 360-degree view into operational performance.
  • We help clients to run their IT more effectively, and efficiently, and with extreme flexibility.
  • We are experts in the management and delivery of full-lifecycle solutions where we design, build and operate systems and services. 
  • We focus on continual service optimization exceeding expectations and delivering to your desired outcomes.

Managed Services

Scalence provides IT systems integration, turnkey, and outsourcing solutions.  We help clients to transform and optimize their IT and business process operations. 

There are 3 elements to our managed services offering. They are:

The Role of a Client Executive Sponsor

The Client Executive Sponsor plays a pivotal role in managing and nurturing strategic relationships and business outcomes. As a key member of the steering committee, this individual is responsible for overseeing the alignment of project goals with the overarching business objectives of the organization. The duties of the Client Executive Sponsor include:

  • Strategic Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships with key stakeholders and clients. The Client Executive Sponsor acts as the primary liaison between the organization and its clients, ensuring that communication is clear, consistent, and effective.
  • Guiding Business Outcomes: Focused on achieving desired business outcomes, the Client Executive Sponsor monitors project progress and performance, making strategic decisions to steer the project towards success. This involves identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and ensuring that the project delivers tangible benefits aligned with the client’s needs and the organization’s goals.
  • Leadership in the Steering Committee: As a part of the steering committee, the Client Executive Sponsor plays a crucial role in providing direction, oversight, and decision-making authority for the project. They collaborate with other committee members to set priorities, allocate resources, and resolve any issues that may arise during the project lifecycle.
  • Advocacy and Sponsorship: Championing the project within the organization, the Client Executive Sponsor advocates for necessary support, resources, and attention. They are instrumental in securing buy-in from upper management and other key stakeholders, ensuring the project has the backing it needs to succeed.
  • Ensuring Alignment with Organizational Strategy: The Client Executive Sponsor ensures that the project is not only aligned with the client’s objectives but also with the broader strategic goals of the organization. This involves regular review and adjustment of project goals to reflect changes in the business environment or organizational priorities.

In summary, the Client Executive Sponsor is a critical figure in bridging the gap between clients and the organization, driving strategic business outcomes, and ensuring the successful execution of projects.

The Role of a Client Business Manager

The Client Business Manager is a key figure in ensuring the successful delivery and management of services, focusing on tactical outcomes for success. This role encompasses several critical responsibilities:

  • Business Management Oversight: The Client Business Manager oversees the business aspects of service delivery, ensuring that all activities align with both the client’s and the organization’s objectives. This includes monitoring budgets, managing costs, and overseeing contract compliance. They are responsible for ensuring that the services provided deliver value and meet the agreed-upon business goals.
  • Service Delivery Oversight: A core responsibility of the Client Business Manager is to oversee the day-to-day operations of service delivery. This includes managing the service team, ensuring that service levels are met, and addressing any issues that may arise. They play a crucial role in maintaining high-quality service, customer satisfaction, and meeting performance targets.
  • Solution Oversight: The Client Business Manager is also responsible for overseeing the solutions provided to the client. This involves ensuring that the solutions are effective, meet the client’s needs, and are implemented efficiently. They work closely with technical teams and other stakeholders to ensure that the solutions are designed and executed according to the agreed-upon specifications.
  • Client Relationship Management: In addition to managing services, the Client Business Manager is responsible for maintaining and strengthening the relationship with the client. They act as a primary point of contact, addressing client concerns, and ensuring a positive client experience.
  • Continuous Improvement: The Client Business Manager is continually seeking ways to improve service delivery. They analyze performance data, gather client feedback, and implement changes to enhance service quality and efficiency.

In summary, the Client Business Manager is essential in bridging the gap between strategic objectives and tactical execution, ensuring that services are delivered effectively and align with business goals, and fostering a strong, collaborative relationship with the client.

The Role of the Client Operations Team

The Client Operations Team is crucial in driving operational efficiency and effectiveness within an organization. This team plays a multi-faceted role, encompassing program management, operations, and transformation oversight. Key responsibilities include:

  • Program Management Oversight: The Client Operations Team is responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and delivery of various programs. This involves coordinating multiple projects, ensuring they align with strategic objectives, and are completed on time, within budget, and to the desired quality standards. They manage resources, track progress, and resolve any issues that may impact program success.
  • Operations Oversight: This team ensures that day-to-day operations run smoothly and efficiently. They monitor operational processes, implement best practices, and strive for continual improvement in operational performance. This includes optimizing workflows, managing operational risks, and ensuring compliance with policies and regulations.
  • Transformation Oversight: The Client Operations Team plays a pivotal role in leading and managing organizational transformation initiatives. They work on enhancing business processes, implementing new technologies, and driving change management to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness. This aspect of their role is key to adapting to evolving business environments and staying competitive.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Effective collaboration and communication with other departments and stakeholders are critical for the Client Operations Team. They work closely with various teams to ensure alignment of operations with broader business goals and to facilitate seamless integration of new processes and systems.
  • Performance Measurement and Reporting: The team is also responsible for measuring and analyzing operational performance. They use key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics to assess efficiency, identify areas for improvement, and report on operational achievements and challenges.

In summary, the Client Operations Team is integral to maintaining and enhancing the operational backbone of an organization. They ensure that operations are efficient, programs are well-managed, and transformation efforts are effectively implemented, thereby contributing significantly to the overall success and growth of the business.

How We Engage - Discovery & Ideation Workshops

  • Step 1: Goals & Objectives: During facilitated workshops with Scalence SME’s we’ll work together to define project goals, deliverables, and desired outcomes.
  • Step 2: Needs Assessment: During brainstorming sessions we’ll work together to identify the critical needs, weight risks, and categorize issues.
  • Step 3: Current State: With our customers, we’ll establish a baseline for the project and develop performance metrics so we can continue to verify the solutions are successful.
  • Step 4: Vision: Together we continue to define the success strategy with our customers to identify new features and fit them into the development plan.
  • Step 5: Journey Map: Finally, prior to the start of development, we create a roadmap, finalize the services contract and SOW, work to transition the effort to the project team, and monitor KPI’s.

Predictive Economics

In today’s Cloud Era, businesses demand unprecedented visibility into how they utilize technology and technology services. Recognizing this shift, Scalence champions the principles of Predictive Economics, setting us apart in the marketplace. Our approach is designed to offer our clients the flexibility and agility they need to seamlessly align their technological investments with their business growth. 

At Scalence, we don’t just offer services; we craft tailor-made Service Catalogs in collaboration with our clients, ensuring scalability and cost predictiveness. Our service frameworks are meticulously engineered to adapt to your business needs—whether through a factory-based model that allows for easy scaling or a consumption model that offers services based on precise units of measure. Our commitment extends beyond delivery; each year, we strive to achieve efficiencies that translate into direct savings for our clients. 

Choosing Scalence means investing in a partnership that grows with you, optimizing your technological spend while enhancing your operational agility. Let us help you navigate the complexities of the Cloud Era with solutions that predict, adapt, and save, positioning your business for success now and in the future.